Bookmarks With Shaarli

Shaarli - Managing bookmarks in a minimalist way TLDR; Here’s a link: Here’s a link to the demo site they host: Being someone with ADHD, I have found few things more frustrating than figuring out where I tossed that article I want to review later, or bookmark for a system. Rarely do I log in to a browser - never on my work machines, and never on my phone....

March 6, 2023 · 4 min · Thomas


I like emulators… As many folks who like tech, I enjoy emulators. Most recently, I am working on one that does its best to emulate the Intel 8080 chip, mostly because I came across a Space Invaders ROM and wanted to play that. The choice to tinker with these things was also because I wanted/needed an “excuse” to write some “real-world” Rust code for a project. In my day-to-day life I write a lot of Java, big-data stuff, and other crap....

February 22, 2023 · 2 min · Thomas

Finding a Good Theme

Let’s talk themes… A long while ago, like “last century,” I had a few sites that I had self hosted. Often I would model the site after whatever it was I was visiting on a regular basis those days. At one point it was, probably, fark or something similar. Just lists of content I felt was interesting. Though, my favorite, was probably my love of perl-monks and the game of perl-golf....

February 22, 2023 · 2 min · Thomas

Hello World

Just like the old days This is just an initial post. A hello world of sorts. Hoping the tutorials work.

February 21, 2023 · 1 min · Thomas